Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

!privacy! Jaga privasi orang lain

Pada dasarnya privasi merupakan hal yg hrs d jaga. Bahkan dalam lingkungan seerat keluarga pun kita harus tahu batasan2 privasi masing2 anggota.

Tapi bagaimana bila dalam sebuah komunitas?
Dengan vulgar saya katakan, sebuah tempat les.
Mereka menjunjung junjung asas "kekeluargaan" yang palsu.
Dengan kedok kekeluargaan pun mereka berusaha mengorek ngorek hal yang merupakan rahasia saya.

Bahkan mereka berkata "kami bantu,"
Anak tk pun tahu bahwa hal itu merupakan kedok busuk mereka.

Temanku sudah menjadi korban. Mereka kelihatan bak malaikat di luar,
namun ngerasani di dalam.

Seperti duri dalam daging.

Rabu, 16 September 2009

I miss u but i hate u

U know what?
I've been thinking lately,
i don't know
maybe God wants to test me.
Crying all night long..
Just because of you
got myself hurt,
just because of your stupid heart.
I don't know what to say,
i don't know what you want.
Is God playing on me?
Oh my,
i can't take it.
In the other time,
i miss you,
but then
you just blew me off.
I'll find my own happiness.

Jumat, 11 September 2009

Gak bohong

Aduh, bolak balik repott...hwaaa,
km bohong apa gak?
Km gak suka gt?

Dasar jelegg!

Kamis, 10 September 2009

Aku benci kamuu!

Gak peduli sama kau!
Kamu mbencekno!
Kamu jelek jelek jelek! Cacat!

Mesti gitu.!
Ternyata iya ya,
mencintai orang itu SULITT!!
Kamu jelekk!

Kamu mesti gitu ma aku!
Ambek yang laen ae kamu gapapa,

tau gak?
Ditengah kejengkelanku, tiba2 terbesit pertanyaan, "apa aku yang cemburuan ya?", "apa aku terlalu mengekang ya?", "apa aku kurang ngerti dia ya?"

inilah BODOH nya CINTA.

Payah3x!! >=[

Sabtu, 25 April 2009

Love love love again

I cAn't get ur smile ouTta my mind..

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Why must i feel this?

Why does the sun go on shining?
Why does the sea rush to shore?

Why should i be sad? I'm nOt hIs, he's nOt mine neither.

Why he act that way? Why?
I cAn't answer it. Why why why?
StoOp. Don't ask me that question.

Let seE what's goin to hapPen.
StoOp eat

Senin, 13 April 2009

Me and him

I thought i can handle it. I think abouT hIm ALMOST ALL THE TIME! But,it would be hurt if he doesn't want me. Just like what i always think. But my sister says that his behave changes maybe because he wanteD me toO. She says maybe he tests me.

Confenssion of a broken heart 2

You weren't the first thing i woke up this morning. So you weren't made for me. Thanks God.. You've finally show me.

But the song i listen this time..,ok,it worth it. But..
Yeah, tough it hurts, i still very grateful God has finally show me..
Now all the imagination of him has nO sense in me..
It was a fool thing myself wanteD 2 believe..
Thx. You've had been in my heart for too long.

Confession of a broken heart

So,God,is this all? Is the answer a big NO? Or, it's just my view? Or i asked that because i don't want to believe the truth? So many question.. You can say Why don't i ask him myself? I can't is my best answer.

The night sky tonight is very pure.. Seemed like they wanna say: see? He doesn't like you! God, again,please show me..

Minggu, 12 April 2009

My heart says:

Whenever i see the new hot couple walking together hand in hand,the quest that is automatically shows up in my mind is: "would you do the same?".I,still in waiting progress for God's answer. Because i know,magz,love site,sister's advice wouldn't make me so sure.I always hope i can read your mind,once is ok.But who knows?Does the perfect dr. love know?Richie,i want you to know that i think of u.

I must

I must 4get him. I don't want to find myself irrational. I don't want fall into pieces. God,was he for me? Was i made by his bone? Was he?
Aku tak mau ditolak, sakit rasanya. Aku ingin jawaban Tuhan, jawaban atas pertanyaan2ku. Aku tak mau terjatuh. Namun,aku terlanjur mencintainya. What if i take the chance?
God, answer me.
Show me.

Sabtu, 11 April 2009


God, here is Your daughter. I'm so confused with my own feeling. I want to know how he felt sooner or later. I wanted him. This is the first time i take action with sum1 i adore. Please God, if he was for me, then give me a way. If he wasn't, don't let me do something fool. Thanks for everything in my life God. Again, please show me. Amen

Jumat, 10 April 2009

Show me. If it isn't nOw, then if it isn't him,don't let me..

God, if i weren't meant to be with him, don't let me hope.
Show me who my true love is..


How can i not think abouT hIm if i wrote a lot 'bouT him? He's just adorable. I jumped like a kangaroo when he texted me. I feel like i wanna scream loud when he smile. When i think of him, i can see that i hope (see blog Waiting). BuT what if he doesn't? What if he tought i'm nOt goOd enOugH? So what do you think richie?


How can i not think abouT hIm if i wrote a lot 'bouT him? He's just adorable. I jumped like a kangaroo when he texted me. I feel like i wanna scream loud when he smile. When i think of him, i can see that i hope (see blog Waiting). BuT what if he doesn't? What if he tought i'm nOt goOd enOugH? So what do you think richie?

What should i do?

Yeah, it's richie again.
My best friend says that i shouldn't like him as much as now. Because i'm not his world, and he isn't mine neither.
But,again,love is irrational. I can waste my time for hours thinking of him. I can remember what face he had made the day before clearly. Very clear.
But does he?

Show me what love is

God,please,show me what i should do. Show me that he wanted me too. Show me that miracle could happen.

But,if it isn't goin' to hapPen, doN't let me. DoN't let me hope, don't let me think abouT him,doN't let me. Just doN't let me.

Because i doN't want fall to pieces again,or sobbing, or feel weird when he's by myside.

God,here is your poor child,please show her what she should do.

Kamis, 09 April 2009

Why again?

Why do i can't 4get his smile,his hair,his skin tone,his voice when he spoke my name,his move,his what-so-ever face,how his hand felt when it touched mine..
I'm in love with him! He's just so cuTe. When he smile at me, i fEel like i could do anything..
Does he feel the same?

Love,the silly game i play, is the greatest thing in diz world

Yeah, it's silly because i made myself believe that miracle could happen. BuT i really hope that it's true. That he wants me too. That he'll run and then hug me, that he'll hold my hand like i'm goin' to left him 4ever. That..
God, plz show me the truTh

I'm pRetTy crazy 'bout u

I cAn't wrote his name down, so i choose the name Richie.Richie is a good looking boy,and i adore him.Yes,i'm in love with him&every mOve he makes.I can't 4get the smile he made the day b4. I sing his name oN my mind.I feel like i must hv known him b4.buT i doN't want make myself believe with what i want.I want reality,i won't fall into pieces. Richie,i wish i could ask you,do u feel the same?

Rabu, 08 April 2009

Love him, miss him a lot!

i thought i cAn.
BuT guess whose face in my mind? His face!
Oh my..
Yesterday, i toOk a course with him..
You knOw what, i chose being with him for 1 half hour than in my OWN house. My house is nO loNger great.
I feel like it's boring,thank God, i oNly spend little time in that place


I was the oNe who always stay in the darkness
I was the one who can't mix with other
i was the oNe, yeah, i was the one..
Chorus: til' i found you! Yes it's you, who made me feel so good..
I felt like i was welcoMeD, like the future has wait for me..

You're the reasoN..
The reason why i laugh, smile or cry.
The reasoN why i breathe, or makin' mOve..


Why do love use 'do'?
BecAuse it's an aCtioN, nOt soMething that has nO pRove. It dEscribe itself througH aCtioN, nOt words. The words cAn lie. BuT nOt aCtioN.
I like love, it's the mOst beauTiful thIng in the world..


Why do love use 'do'?
BecAuse it's an aCtioN, nOt soMething that has nO pRove. It dEscribe itself througH aCtioN, nOt words. The words cAn lie. BuT nOt aCtioN.
I like love, it's the mOst beauTiful thIng in the world..


What a foOl..!
I cAn't get closer 2 him..
CAn't 4 get!


I'm waiting for him to caugHt my eye and smile
i'm waiting for him to laugH with me
i'm waiting for him to runs and then hugs me
i'm waiting for him to be mine
buT God,plz if we wern't meant to be 2gether, doN't let me knOw him better
doN't let me hope he'll get to me
doN't let me.
Richie rich

Selasa, 07 April 2009

He whO must nOt be nameD

My name is kate and i'm in love with soMe 1 who cAn briGhten my smile, my whole day.
SoMe1 i'm in love with is 5 yearS oldEr than me. He wearS glasSes, and has sPiky hair, his skin color is dark, yeah, almOst. He loves to laugH,his heiGht is 164-165 cm. He's skinNy, and, smells goOd. I love him, i think..

Senin, 06 April 2009

He who must nOt be nameD, the name is RICHIE RICH.

Not as rich as richie. I nameD hIm richIe rich becAuse rich is soMe of hIs name. I loveD hIm. I cAn't stand a day withouT thInking of him. WelL, he isn't rich at all. He's ordinary, buT the smile cAn briGhten my whole day. Art cAn't dEscribe him. He describe himself througH his laughter and smile, when he's near, i fEel nOthIng, buT when he's far away, i misseD hIm..

He who must not be named again

I dreameD that you n i holding eachother's hand oN soMe1's weDding.
I imagineD you and i walking together, laughing and holding oN..
My quest is do you fEel the same, that you love me, that you want to coMplete me?
That you think i'm your life?
I'd loveD to do the things i imagineD, buT do you? Do you loveD me toO?

He who must nOt be nameD 3

The thougHt of i cAn react like b4 is wroNg. Totally wroNg. I cAn't. I feel like i want to stare at him for loNg. NOw there are buTterflies in my stoMaCh.
I cAn't, i just cAn't
oh my, why should i in love with soMe1 who is very briGht like the sun? 4 me 'courSe..
GeEz! He who must nOt be nameD!

Minggu, 05 April 2009

He who must nOt be nameD 2

Last niGht i dreameD of him.
In the dream,he wanteD me. What a great dream,i hope that can be true. Argh. I cAn't find a way to 4get him. He's just like a part of me. I never knew what's goin' oN with my heart,i hate it. It madE me fEel embArasSeD. Huh.
GuesS i wouldn't 4get him 4 a loNg time.
Again, stoOp.

He who must nOt be named

Hiding frm d rain n snOw
tryin' 2 4get buT i woN't let go
standin at a crowded streEt
listening to my own heart beat
so many people,
all around d world
tell me where do i find sum1 like u boy..
This soNg repResent my heart,which is miss the boy..
Show me what love is, haven't got the clue. Show me that woNdErS cAn be true!
Standin oN d mOuntain hiGh, lookin at the mOoN througH a clear blue sky

He who must nOt be named

Hiding frm d rain n snOw
tryin' 2 4get buT i woN't let go
standin at a crowded streEt
listening to my own heart beat
so many people,
all around d world
tell me where do i find sum1 like u boy..
This soNg repResent my heart,which is miss the boy..
Show me what love is, haven't got the clue. Show me that woNdErS cAn be true!
Standin oN d mOuntain hiGh, lookin at the mOoN througH a clear blue sky

Sabtu, 04 April 2009


Imagining u n me holding eachother's hands, staring, loving

i'd loveD to..
BuT do u?
Would u?
Do u imagine the same? Do u think the same?
Do u feEl the same?
It's just a simple quest buT you cAn't answer it.
What a foOl

Jumat, 03 April 2009


I'm just a small star who is in love with the sun. What a stupid star. Astronomically and logically, i can't get closer to you.
You were such a great boy. I know nothin 'bout u. But i guess i'm in love with u. I knOw even i cAn get closer to you, you woN't seE me, becAuse i'm just a smAlL star..
FoOl, it is..

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

ya, it's me..
I'm just an ordinary..

It's me..
Who always been in the darkness..

Til' i found you..
You,buT as you see, i'm not strong enough,
to be with you..

Ya.. It's me..
I'm just an ordinary..
Too ordinary..

But sometimes..
I want to be the one to walk in the sun.. I want to feel the light, and the warm breeze.. I want the world see that i can..
Yes, it's you..

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009


O my! A brand new day had come.
Well, with this posteD blog i want to share a link to help you stUdy. There are proprofs and kucing fisika.
Enter this keyword to goOgle and start to learn. It's freE. You cAn aCcess it froM your own handphone

Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

Simpai keramat

Hari itu ada pertandingan lari di sekolahnya. Richard, seorang anak berusia 11 tahun memasuki lapangan sendiri, dengan senyum selebar mungkin. Berbeda dengan anak lainnya. Anak-anak lain memasuki lapangan dengan orang tua mereka. Orang tua teman-temannya memeluk dan menciumi anak anak mereka. membisikkan kata-kata penyemangat dan Good Luck di telinga masing-masing anak. Richard melihat mereka dengan sedih. Karena hanya dirinya yang tak memiliki orang tua sebagai penyemangat dirinya. Menyadari bahwa dia tak memiliki orang tua sejak bayi. Dirinya dititipkan pada neneknya namun beliau meninggal 3 minggu lalu. Perlahan, air mata menetes dari mata kacang almond itu. Membasahi pipinya yang kemerahan.

"Semua bersiap!" Teriak sang guru olahraga.
Richard dengan segera menghapus air matanya dan bersiap. Salah seorang temannya bertanya "mengapa kau menangis Richard? ada yang salah?"
Lalu Richard menjawab "tidak,"

Dan mereka berlari. Richard selalu menyukai berlari. Ia senang dengan suara angin dan tapak kaki kawan-kawannya. Richard meraih juara 2 dalam lomba itu, dan temannya yang tadi menanyakan keadaannya meraih juara 3.

"Richard, aku yakin tadi dirimu menangis, ada apa?" tanya sang teman.
"Aku takkan menangis lagi jika kau selalu ada disini bersamaku." kata Richard.
"Huff.. Aku agak kesal dengan ayah dan ibuku, mereka memelukku seperti aku akan pergi sangat jauh."
"Asal kau tahu, aku tadi menangis karena melihat ayah dan ibumu memelukmu"
Mulut sang teman menganga lebar sekali. Ia sama sekali tak mensyukuri apa yang ia dapatkan. Ia lupa, bahwa Richard adalah sebtang kara. Simpai keramat. Lalu Ayah dan ibunya mendatangi mereka
"Lihat, Boy, kamu mau mengajak dia makan malam?"
"entah? kau mau?"
"Tentu" kata Richard